
Monday, November 19, 2012

60 Facts about Attraction

For more good stuff on attraction, click here.


  1. I find it really interesting how many linkages there are between attraction and fertility that we don't think of unless we are made aware of them. For example, how women are more attractive at certain times of the month and how people are attracted to pheromones given off by people with immune systems that are most opposite theirs.

  2. Exceptionally attractive women are at a disadvantage when seeking a job associated with particularly masculine qualities. For example, if a more attractive woman and a less attractive woman compete for a job as a tow truck driver or operating a switchboard, the more attractive woman rarely wins the job. Researchers suggest that a highly attractive woman is perceived as less capable of meeting the job’s requirement for masculine qualities than an unattractive woman.c
    ^ This is ridiculous but unfortunately true. Just because a woman takes care of herself, dresses up, fixes her hair does not mean she is incompetent. This comes down to one thing: intimidation. People are intimidated at the thought of a woman being capable and pretty. What a fierce combination. A beautiful woman can be just as capable as any handsome man in finance, engineering, construction, or any other jobs deemed as "masculine."

  3. Many of these facts pertain to giving attention to children. From an evolutionary perspective, children's faces have evolved to be cuter for the same reason babies in out culture cry--to attract the attention of the parents. Going back to the stone age, women had many more children, especially since the likelihood of them to survive was significantly lower. With a cute face to look act, women would pay more attention to the child and be more responsive to his or her needs so that the child would successfully make it into adulthood. More attractive faces have the advantage of other people wanting them to succeed-a quality maintained by evolution.
